How Do You Say My Crazy Life in Spanish

What street is the flat on. Also depending were you are in a Latin America or even Spain there are many ways to say this sentence.

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What was the color of the line you took.

. Loca loco alocado disparatado demente. F When I was in college I lived a crazy life but now I want to settle down. How do you say your are crazy about me in spanish.

If you forget your childs name say something stupid to your mother-in-law or put the detergent in the fridge you can excuse your momentary locura by saying Se me fueron las cabras Chalado. Updated FEB 4 2010. La loca means crazy and madperson as well as life.

How much did the train ticket cost in euros. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly. Life is translated into simplified Chinese as.

Updated FEB 4 2010. See Also in English. How do you say my crazy life in spanish.

1 mad loco chiflado. To drive sb crazy drive mad volver loco a algn infuriate sacar de quicio a algn. I havent heard this one much in real life but this is presumably because this word is used mostly in Spain.

More Spanish words for like crazy. English to Spanish Create. Which Spanish city do you fly into.

A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech eg. Updated FEB 4 2010. Youre crazy if you want to go to the park in the middle of the nightEstás loco si quieres ir al parque en medio de la noche.

Vivo una vida llena de locura. Yo soy viven la loco vida. Pequeño poco escaso rato chico.

See Also in Spanish. Translated into traditional Chinese as follows. You were crazy to do it fue una locura hacerlo.

This is the case whether youre talking about a. You are my life. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly.

For example if you wanted to say my life is crazy you would say mi vida es loca Mi is the Spanish possessive pronoun that means my If you wanted to say her life is beautiful you might say su vida es bella Note that since the word vida is feminine the adjective is feminine as well bella instead of bello. You say crazy in spanish is loco do you get me How do you say you are not living your life in Spanish. Bsame el trasero thats how u say you are crazy about me How do you say my crazy friend for life in Spanish.

What does loca mean in Spanish. Very foolish or unreasonable a. Mad out of ones mind distraught deranged crazed.

You are not living your life no ests viviendo tu vida. Spanish nouns have a gender which is either feminine like la mujer or la luna or masculine like el hombre or el sol. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc.

F means that a noun is feminine. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly. You would be crazy to do that tendrías que estar loco para hacer eso.

The sentence my crazy. Eres lo más importante en mi vida. Cuando estaba en la universidad vivía una vida loca pero ahora quiero sentar la cabeza.

How to say you are my life in Spanish. The birth of my daughter was the best moment in my lifeEl nacimiento de mi hija fue el mejor momento de mi vida. How do you say this in Spanish.

More Spanish words for my life. One of them said Mi Vida Loca My Crazy Life the nickname he adopted. More Spanish words for crazy.

I want to know how to sayi am living the crazy life in spanish. Answer 1 of 1. One translation for crazy bitch in Spanish would be perra locaThis is a literal translation loca meaning crazy and perra meaning bitch.

It would be crazy for him to give up his job sería una locura que dejase el trabajo. My crazy life in the city was stressing me outMi vida loca en la ciudad me estaba estresando. Todo recto y luego a la izquierda.

If you want the literal translation is this tú you me hacese make me loco crazy But in may Latin countries you say tú you me vuelves drive me loco crazy In Spanish drive me crazy and make me crazy mean the same thing. Which floor is the flat on. Note the word order in Spanish is different than in English so technically it is translated as bitch crazyAnother translation could be puta locaI would be careful how you use these phrases though.

How do you say my crazy life in spanish. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc. You can use online translators to translate it into Chinese.

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